I will drive your business or project forward

From link building audits, to SEO consultancy and fully blown link building I’m here to help. And if you are not sure what help your website needs right now, don’t panic, half of the enquiries I receive are from people who are not sure where to start.


Freelance link building service
SEO consultancy
SEO Training

Freelance Link Builder Services

I work on bespoke link building campaigns with transparency. You will see in real-time what I do in Google sheets and you will only ever need to speak to me even if I have an assistant sitting remotely at my side for some content writing we need from time to time.

To keep costs down and efficacy up I always look for the most profitable opportunities for any website I am focusing on amongst the options available. I can achieve this by constantly monitoring the activities of competitors who may leave the back door open on a keyword they are not aggressively back-linking on.

I do this via a tried and tested method locating suitable third party websites, submitting guest blogs, sending out the results of surveys and roundups, liaising with others in your industry & the blogging community, submitting comments, content and encouraging others to share and be interested in your firm’s offering.

I can also: Audit your current link building strategy, assess the strategy of an SEO agency you are currently working with & train your staff to implement link building campaigns from scratch, whether they’re paid staff or interns.

SEO Consultancy London, UK

Are you looking for someone based in London to take a look over your current SEO set-up and strategy; tell you straight up what’s working, what’s not, the opportunities you’re missing and most importantly any part of your set-up which needs an immediate fix?

Contact me to see if we could be a good fit for an audit and roadmap suitable for your business.

Other common requests : SEO audits, advice on building and managing an SEO team, training a new SEO team or team member, second opinion on external SEO/link building agency/freelancer, a plateau in traffic or sales, how to reduce PPC advertising, viability of new website.

Following a typical audit, depending on the breadth of work required, I will work with your dev team/website manager to deploy the technical recommendations and your marketing/content team/freelancers to implement any content recommendations as required.

Bespoke SEO Training

Every website is on its own unique journey in terms of business goals and resources, not least in SEO. There is no one size fits all.

Tailored SEO training is essential for any team whose business relies on online visibility, from C level, to managers and practitioners.

I will show you how to optimise your firm’s website to increase traffic and sales and be more confident from content SEO to the more technical aspects.

I can also provide a bespoke crash course for new SEO managers including a take away roadmap.

To get the most out of my training sessions I recommend either one full day or two half days.

Schedules permitting I also provide digital marketing work experience for complete newbies. Please see my other site for details.